Thursday, July 17

Week Recap

Tomorrow is our last day at this conference. And I must say it's a little bitter-sweet. It's been an amazing week rubbing shoulders with missionaries from all over the world and getting to know them and reconnecting with old friends. We've had some great teaching and worship and I have to say again that I truly love being part of the ABWE family. I have been encouraged and challenged and I have cried and laughed my head off. But we can't stay here forever because we have a world to reach.

One of the coolest things of the week (in my opinion) have been the times where certain missionaries have been recognized for their years of service. Some for 20 years, some 30 and some 35. But tonight they recognized this lady...

...her name is Dr. Sophie Jenista and she has served with ABWE consistently for 60 years. No, that is not a typo. 60 years! Wow... And Dr. Loftis told us that when he asked Sophie to come back for this recognition she said she couldn't because was too busy working at the women's prison in the Philipppines! How cute!! She finally agreed when he said a main reason for her doing this would so she could be a testimony to the new missionaries of God's faithfulness and to encourage them to stay the course. After the service Jenny and I went up to talk to her and to thank her for coming back. We asked her how old she was and she said 85. And then she handed up a piece of paper and said, "Here's a copy of my weekly schedule. I think it might interest you." We had to laugh! On the front of this double-sided paper she has listed her weekly schedule and, let me tell you, it fills the sheet! And on the back she has listed out her future plans - and those also fill the page!

What an honor to one day be able to stand up there and receive a recognition like that. Not for the sake of being honored but to give honor and glory to the One who has allowed me to be part of His story. On the bottom of Sophie's future plans she reminds us of 1 Corinthians 10:13, "He who has called you is faithful." I hope her faithfulness has encouraged you as it did me tonight.

1 comment:

Luz B. Press said...

I call her "Nanay" Jenista. She is truly a great servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am so encourage with her faithfulness, dedication and commitment in God's service. Keep up the good work "Nanay".

Lots of love
