Wednesday, November 24


I'm thankful for a Father who forgives and gently nudges me to follow His example.
I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit who challenges me to dig deeper and truly discover what it means to live as an authentic follower of Jesus.
I'm thankful for a redeeming Savior who reminds me that of all the earth and sky above I'm the one He madly loves.

I'm thankful for my family and the fact that we truly like each other.
I'm thankful that my brother and his family have allowed me to live in their basement so I can save money as I prepare for Brazil.

I'm thankful for old, seasoned friends who know me so well and have the freedom to speak Truth into my life.
I'm thankful for new friends and the fun of discovering things about them.
I'm thankful for my precious Brazilian friends who are so eagerly awaiting the day when I finally arrive to minister alongside them.
I'm thankful for my supporters who, because of their sacrifice, will have an eternal influence in South Brazil.

I'm thankful for games, coffee, Macaroni & Cheese, my mom's chili and homemade stuffing, my slippers, and my favorite Nike hoodie.

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