Friday, July 8


Earlier this week I had my first bout of homesickness. But it's not homesickness like I've ever had before.

I remember when I was young and I got homesick at Brownie day camp...I just wanted to go home. 

I remember going to my grandparents one weekend and when my parents left I sat on the couch and cried because I just wanted to go home. Not even my grandma's cookies could rid me of that sadness. That's the "homesick" I'm familiar with.

This homesick was different. I didn't have the "I just want to go home feeling"...  I had the "I just want something to be familiar" feeling. I am "homesick" for the ability to communicate well. I am "homesick" for the ability to understand and be understood. I am "homesick" for the ability to know how to get places. I am "homesick" for the ability to know how things work. I am even "homesick" for the ability to know what products to buy to clean my house! (even though I don't have one yet...)

Everything is different here. Not just the language and the culture. How they cook is different. What they cook is different. How they wash dishes is different. How they live life is different.

The simple, everyday things that used to be so normal are not at all normal anymore. That is what I was "homesick" for. Everything that used to be familiar to me...

But in the midst of my "longing for the familiar," I was reminded by that still small voice that the only "familiar" thing I need in my life is Him. And He was still there. I was reminded that even though I live in South Brazil, this is not my home. My home is in heaven.....and THAT is what I should truly be "homesick" for.


Sojourner said...

Amy, beautifully put. My sister how I do pray for you and the culture shock. Interestingly enough, even though I am "Here" I long somedays for my "heavenly home"... yes even in the good ol USA. Well, sister my thoughts and prayers are with you often. I miss seeing you up there playing bass on Sunday mornings. God Bless Roger

Kris said...

How eloquent Amy! I love how the Lord is holding you in the palm of His hand. You are great at writing! You are in our prayers! Love you very much! Kris