Tuesday, July 13


Today I read a story of a woman on a mission trip in the slums of Kenya. She shared the love of Jesus with a group of people living on the streets and noticed one of the young ladies was moved to tears. As she drew close to her she also saw she had no shoes. This woman proceeded to remove her shoes and place them on the feet of this tear-stained lady while she prayed a blessing over her and the others there. This woman then proceeded to walk the 3 miles back to the mission center through sewage, rocks and trash heaps. The story was later relayed by those who witnessed it to another lady who, when she heard it, exclaimed under her breath, "She Listened".

As I read this I was struck by how few times I truly listen in a way that leads me to obedient action. Maybe because I don't expect to hear or because I'm preoccupied or just plain selfish. Whatever the reason, I fail to listen for the command. The command that follows the sympathy and broken heart. The command that takes me from my comfort and presses me into action. Oh, to live in such a way that every movement of my heart is followed by a quiet spirit that listens for how or if I should respond. Then regardless of what I hear, I obey. To live in such a way that at the end of my life it is simply said, "She listened." Such a challenge for me today.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Pierce said...

Very moving. Sometimes we as people don't open up and listen like we should. I know that I most definitely need to work on that aspect of my life. Thanks for sharing.